
You know it’s not going to be this way forever

I wish I could say something to make it better

I know it feels like there is just black and white

And it’s been too long since you’ve seen the light

Life is like a bottle contained of joys and trials

But we miss the beauty within the miles

The darkest moment always arrives before the dawn

So the finest moment for you is hardly far gone

Please, just please…hold on


I decided to write this poem since I’ve been inspired to do poetry lately and I’m able to fully express myself through it. I haven’t had the best of times lately to be honest, and I feel that it is very important to be sincere. Society wants to paint this glamorous life and we as human beings feel obliged to live up to that expectation. The problem with that is; nothing in this world is perfect. We like to pretend it is, so during the trials we manage to fake a smile and fill up time to ignore the problem we’re facing. I have learned to see that if something appears to be perfect, it really isn’t. I want to break through that habit and admit that my life is certainly not glamorous or perfect. We think we won’t be happy until we fulfill our future goals. However, the way we decide to experience our journey to achievement is what really matters. Truth is; we can only be content primarily through God. We will always feel empty without him and only he can lead us through the worries when even we are unable to do so. Also, gratitude changes everything. If we learn to be appreciative in the middle of the chaos, we’ll find that the worries aren’t as big as they once seemed. So, take note of the things that make you smile each day and I promise you’ll make it through.

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